Weld Procedure Qualification

A welding procedure is a formal written document describing instructions to the welder or welding operator for making sound, quality reproduceable welds to the code/standard requirements.
The qualified WPQR or PQR provides documentary evidence to show that the welding parameters used in the procedure qualification test piece do not adversely affect the mechanical properties of the parent material. It will typically comprise of forms recording the actual welding parameters used, results of non-destructive and destructive testing required by the code/standard, Material certification for test piece and welding consumables and subsequent ranges of qualification.
When the requirement as arisen to qualify a WPQR (Weld Procedure Qualification Record) sometimes also referred to as PQR (Procedure Qualification Record). There are several important points to take into consideration: – Many welds, joint types and material thicknesses can be approved by a limited number of carefully chosen WPQR’s. One WPQR can be used to qualify large numbers of WPS’s (Weld Procedure Specifications BS EN ISO 15609-1), providing the parameters/essential variables remain within the allowable range of approval of the applicable code/standard i.e., BS EN ISO 15614-1, ASME IX or AWS.
We are also appointed by BEIS as a Recognised Third-Party Organisation (RTPO) under the Pressure Equipment Regulations 2016 UKCA Requirements and Pressure Equipment (Directive 2014/68/EU) implemented in Northern Ireland for the witness of permanent joining procedures and personnel. ISO/IEC 17020.
We are also a full member of SAFed (Safety Assessment Federation).
Our welding inspectors are qualified to PCN level 2 or 3 welding Inspection and have a wealth of Industry experience.
Weld Procedure Qualification Record
Weld Procedure Specification relationship
The welding engineer or welding co-ordinator can use a WPQR to write qualified WPSs for the various production welds that need to be made.
One WPQR can be used to qualify an unlimited number of WPSs providing the parameters/variables fall within the allowable range given in the WPQR.
The welding conditions that can be written on a qualified WPS are referred to as the qualification range and this range depends on the as run welding conditions used for the weld test piece in the WPQR.
Welding conditions are referred to as welding variables by British, European, and American welding standards are classified as either essential or non- essential variables.
Essential variable: A variable that influences the mechanical properties of the weldment (and if changed beyond the limits specified in the WPQR/standard will require the WPS to be re-qualified).
Non-Essential variable: A variable that must be specified on a WPS but has no significant effect on the mechanical properties of the weldment (can be changed without the need for re-qualification of the WPS but will require a new WPS to be written).
It is essential that WPSs are readily available at the welder’s workplace, fully understood and adhered to.
If a welder makes a production weld with as run conditions outside the qualified range on the WPS/WPQR. It is possible that the weld will not have acceptable mechanical properties and options are:
Make a new weld test piece using similar welding conditions to the suspect weld and test to the same requirements of the relevant WPQR or remove the suspect weld(s) according to a qualified repair procedure and reweld the joint(s) in strict accordance with the WPQR/WPS.
To apply for weld procedure qualification or more information please call us on 01384 482880 or visit our contact page.